Is your matter less than $2500?
U-SUE Agents can save you hundreds and even thousands of dollars to take action in court. Unfortunately, sometimes, for smaller debt or damage claims it doesn’t make financial sense to retain us to manage your entire case, but we can still help you win your case with our more than 35 years of experience.
We offer several cost effective options for clients who have claims less than $2500. Let us use our experience to help you succeed.
Case review /
Unsure if you have a case or if it makes sense to proceed?
$ 299
Starting at
- Includes evidence review
- We will provide you with a recommendation
- Includes 30 minute consultation to discuss options
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Compelling Demand Letter
Best for uncomplicated debt & damage claims
$ 399
Includes phone call to debtor
- Compelling demand letter sent on our letterhead
- Firm, but professionally worded letter
- We follow up with a phone call
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Case Review /
We can provide you with the essentials to win your case
$ 499
Starting at
- Includes evidence review*
- 30 minute coaching session
- We use our 35 years of experience to help you win
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Case review /
Draft claim
We’ll draft and file your claim to make sure it is done right
$ 599
Debt or damage claims
- Includes evidence review*
- Professionally drafted claim
- Includes search and court fees
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Best Value
We’ll ask for a detailed summary of your matter including dates and all relevant information. This process will assist you in organizing all of your evidence for use during your court case. Additionally, we will need electronic copies of your evidence which can include:
Text messages, Emails, Invoices, Agreements, Contracts, Photos, Video and Voice recordings.
All document evidence must be provided as PDF files. Photos to be supplied as .jpgs
If you do not have a scanner, please do not take photos of your documents. iPhone users, please use the scanner in your notes app and all other phone users please download a scanner app such as AdobeScan to capture documents.
*These rates are only available for claims $2500 and under.