Typical cost: 25% - 50%
Collection agencies are becoming less and less effective and are not a good fit for the vast majority of disputes.
- They make a few phone calls & may send a letter
- Are not effective because there is no consequence to ignoring their demands
- End up wasting time - sometimes months!
- After little effort, most often your matter will have to 'go legal' anyway, and you'll be referred to a lawyer where you'll pay their fees

Online service, utilizing powerful case management software, we do most of our client intake over the internet saving you time and money. Our fees are similar to what a collection agency will charge except we do far more than make a few phone calls – and get superior results.
- Our clients typically see more of their money, faster
- We save our clients time and money
- U-SUE only takes on winnable cases
- Fast and convenient online intake process
- U-SUE will get started on your case right away and have your claim filed and out for service in less than 2 weeks. Rush services are available for time sensitive matters.
- We enforce Judgments
Retainer to start: $2500 - $5000
Typical hourly rate: $450
Offline process, you must meet in person, can be inconvenient and very costly, resulting in unpredictable legal fees. Generally not the best option for those who wish to sue in Small Claims Court.
- Often don't specialize in Small Claims Court so unecessary time is spent that you pay for
- Charge by the hour with no way to know what the final cost will be
- Many lawyers refer their clients to U-SUE
- Most often does not make sense financially to hire a lawyer for a Small Claims Court Case
- Clients pay extra for Judgment Enforcement services, if they provide them